The best summary of the John Paul Aleshe story came from the
Associated Press on June 9, 2000:
In Indianapolis, he was Robert Paul Hoquim, a successful
computer-saavy businessman who started an Internet provider company. But
after he died of a heart attack, police learned he was a fugitive named
John Paul Aleshe who had been on the run for 14 years charged with the
attempted murder of an Irving, Texas, police officer. Aleshe, as far as
investigators know, used more than 10 aliases. Aleshe died May 23 in the
bedroom of his $300,000 home in Noblesville, about 20 miles north of
Indianapolis. Noblesville police were trying to track down relatives when
they noticed Hoquim's driver's license was a fake and his Social Security
number belonged to a woman in St. Louis.
"That obviously piqued our curiosity a little more," Noblesville Sgt. Tom
Madden said Wednesday.
Investigators got permission to search Hoquim's rented storage area.
There, in the glove compartment of an old pickup truck, they found an
envelope that contained a Colorado driver's license. The photo was of a
younger man and the name on the license was John Paul Aleshe.
FBI fingerprints confirmed he was Aleshe - a name that pulled up a
criminal history. Aleshe was wanted in Texas for attempting to kill an
Irving police officer, for possession of controlled substances, theft of
property and theft of computer software. He also was wanted in Colorado
for issuing bad checks, said Dallas FBI agent Marjorie Poche.
Irving police officer Ned Thurmond arrested Aleshe in 1986 and was driving
him to the station when Aleshe freed one hand and grabbed the officer. s
gun, said Irving Police Department spokesman David Tull. In the struggle,
the gun fired and Aleshe was shot in the hand, he said. After posting
bond, Aleshe fled Texas. Investigators believe he started several
successful companies around the country using a variety of names. All the
businesses appear to be legitimate, police said.
As Hoquim, he was known as a Greenville, IN, native, a graduate of Indiana
University and Cal Tech, as well as a Vietnam War veteran. Police now say
none of that is true.

John Paul Aleshe's story intersects with that of BBSes because among the
scams he ran before settling down in Indianapolis was running a major
Fidonet Hub in Minneapolis, MN in 1988. This hub, which came to be the
major point of traffic for the Fidonet network there, unceremoniously
came down when "John Richard" (the alias Aleshe was using) suddenly
disappeared on a "trip to Boston". One of the defrauded parties, Steve
Sherwick, wrote a file which explained their knowledge of John Aleshe,
and asked for help in tracking him down:
"I first made acquaintance with John under the name of John
Richard in the fall of 1987, he had moved into the area and set
up a BBS system called P.C. Info Exchange as a node in Region 14.
At that time the Twin Cities was not a net but was preparing to create one.
"John entered the area claiming he had moved in from the
Portland area. He stated he was a officer in the U.S. Air Force
and was assigned to Honeywell (A large defense contractor in this
area) as an inspector in the avionics division. He had said that
his assignment was for at least three years and that he was
pretty well here for good.
"John apparently had good contacts in the Portland area in
the FIDO community as within two weeks he was importing more
echomail for his system than all T.C. Metronet systems combined.
"John then basically made a broad offer to us here, that as
long as he was importing echomail he'd be happy to scan any mail
he was importing for anyone in the net. Well this is like the
goose that lays the golden eggs, SysOps were lining up to have
him scan for them.
"Around November of 1987 the SysOps here held a meeting to
confirm that we would form a net in the area. At that time I was
appointed Network Coordinator and John accepted the post of
Network Echomail Coordinator. We applied for a Net number and it
was approved. P.C. Information Exchange was assigned the
node/number of 1:282/1. John at this time started experimenting
with multiple lines and brought his system up to eight lines all
told. He was selling subscriptions at $20.00 a year to help
offset costs. At the time P.C. Info Exchange went down on May 1,
1988 there were in excess of 300 subscribers.
" The first real hints of the difficulties we were to
experience came at the end of April and the beginning of May
1988. On April 30, 1988 Both Don Seiford (1:282/3) and I received
phone calls from John indicating he was being called away to
Boston on the possible closing of a home he had there. He had in
the past made mention of a house in the east so his leaving
seemed plausible.
"That evening for the first time in four months P.C. Info
Exchange was down. The line were busy and there was simply no
getting on the BBS. Voice calls placed to John were answered by
an answering machine. It might be informative that John
religiously answered the phone "This is John". It was a strong
personality quirk.
"The next morning (May 1,1988) David Garner of Cascade
Electronics (a local supplier of computer products) called me at
my place of employment in quite a panic. He stated that John had
been scheduled to speak at a users group meeting that morning and
had not arrived. He also mentioned that he and John had quoted a
bid for the Minneapolis Public Library System and that as part of
the terms all the hardware had to be installed by that day. He
said that John had been impossible to reach for better than 24
hours. I told David that John had mentioned going to Boston and
should return that day.
"David then called the Library System to confirm the hardware
had been delivered and was informed the the bid had not been let
at that point in time. Since David had provided hardware for that
bid to the tune of $48,000 he was deeply concerned.
"This really caused us to be suspicious!!! We then called all
known possible places of employment he had mentioned and
confirmed that he had never been employed by any of the firms at
any time. We then made multiple sight inspections of his place of
residence over that day to confirm there was no traffic at his
home. We also interviewed some of Johns near neighbors and
confirmed he had been seen moving large amounts of computer
hardware from his residence."
Now that the whole story is out, tracking Aleshe's movements becomes
In 1989, under the name "Robert Hoquim", Aleshe created a BBS called
"The Twin Towers" (Fidonet Node Number 1:231/160)in Indianapolis, IN.
Hoquim discovered the Internet early (by some standards) getting a
UUCP feed for his BBS called towers.uucp in November of 1989. He also
owned "" for a while.
Postings in 1990-1991 show that Robert Hoquim was running a business called
Small Systems Specialists, in Indianapolis.
The conspiracy theorist in me wants to think that this chosen alias
is a reference to the word "Hokum", which the American Heritage dictionary
defines "Something apparently impressive or legitimate but actually untrue
or insincere; nonsense." To spend 10 years of your life with your last
name set up this way would be an amazingly colossal joke.
Before he died, Aleshe really got into Corvette racing, being a member
of several Corvette clubs and purchasing two Dodge Vipers as well. Upon
his death they were bought by a racing group from his estate.
A lawsuit ensued over a $10 million loan to Hoquim/Aleshe for,
given to him from When Aleshe died, the money had been transferred
to his estate. Here is a quick paragraph from some of the court documents
describing Aleshe and how rich he was at the time of his death:
"On February 16, 2000, the parties closed the sale, apparently without
further documentation. Rather than paying the entire purchase price to
IQuest, ISP paid $13.15 million of the purchase price [$23 Million] directly
to Hoquim in the form of $12 million in two promissory notes and $1.15
million in cash.....Hoquim died intestate in May 2000. The Court of
Appeals tantalizingly informs us that at the time of his death Hoquim
was a thirteen year fugitive wanted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation
whose real name was John Paul Aleshe, but supplies no elaboration on this
unusual circumstance. There are other interesting gaps in the
information available to us."