In 2011, Maine police, wardens, marine patrol officers and members of the U.S. Coast Guard conducted a fruitless five-day search for a resident of Fredericton, New Brunswick, Torray Wallace, one of many people who appeared in the 2005 film BBS: The Documentary after his vehicle was found abandoned in the park.
ROQUE BLUFFS, Maine — An investigation by U.S. authorities into the disappearance of a New Brunswick man whose vehicle was found abandoned earlier this month at Roque Bluffs State Park has been returned to Canadian officials.
Torray Wallace, 36, of Fredericton, was reported missing to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police on Wednesday, Feb. 23, and an investigation revealed that he crossed the border at Calais at 11:30 the night before. On Friday, Feb. 25, his 1999 Chevrolet Lumina was found abandoned at the state park. It was a spot he and his family had frequented during summer months.
Interviews with people near the park revealed that several people spotted Wallace in the park on Thursday, Feb. 24, and that he was sort of wandering around, not making any sense.
Maine police, wardens, marine patrol officers and members of the U.S. Coast Guard launched an intensive search with no results.